Rapid developments in data and AI technologies are creating entirely new job profiles or fundamentally changing existing ones. This dynamic requires close(r) cooperation between industry and academia.
bydo stands for a new form of cooperation between education and practice.
It enables students to test and develop their skills directly in real and challenging business projects over an extended period of time. By working together on specific projects, students acquire and deepen not only their technical knowledge, but also important soft skills such as teamwork, problem solving and communication.
The learning format differs from traditional knowledge transfer in that students acquire the learning content entirely within the framework of practical projects. The practical projects are not only seen as objects to be practised, but are the actual place of learning. The educational partner supports the project teams through active coaching throughout the duration of the project.
The bydo learning format has not yet been implemented at any other university with the desired consistency and standardisation. The Master in Applied Information and Data Science at the HSLU is taking the first step.
Project-based learning is organised into "learning boxes". Each learning box assigns a clear role to the participants:
- The project partners provide the challenge, infrastructure and project management.
- The students contribute their talent, creativity and work.
- The learning coaches guide the students through the content and develop team skills.
- The education partners embed the bydo framework in their study programmes and regulate the recognition of academic achievements.
Further information can be found on the
bydo website.
If you are interested, please contact Prof Dr Andreas Brandenberg at
For students:
Questions and answers about participating in bydo projects:
Join us and visit our info-events and find out more details in a personal conversation with the Head of the Programme.
Please contact us for an individual and personalised advice:
Tel.: +41 41 228 42 53 / E-Mail: master.ids@hslu.ch
Find more information here:
- Course structure and modules
- Admission and registration
- Professional portraits & study insights
- Working and studying
- Generalist profile