The overall objective of the Project Support Partnership is to strengthen SECO’s Macroeconomic Support Section's project-cycle management capacity, knowledge base and policy dialogue. In the area of Public Financial Management reform (lot 2), HSLU provides expertise in the design, sequencing and communication of PFM reforms. This includes both reforms at the national and subnational level. Topics of specific importance are public investment management, public procurement and intergovernmental fiscal transfer systems. The lot 2 combines expertise on international best practices with a solid knowledge of the Swiss public financial management framework.
Within lot 2 we provide expertise pertaining to the application of key PFM diagnostic tools. Most importantly, this includes a demonstrated ability to conduct and peer-review Public Expenditures and Financial Accountability (PEFA) assessments at the national and local level (ideally including the climate and gender modules). Furthermore, we support the preparation of a PEFA assessment and provide inputs to the broader development of the PEFA initiative. We also provide inputs for policy dialogue related to Public Investment Management Assessments (PIMA) as well as on the Methodology for Assessing Procurement Systems (MAPS). Transversal themes (gender, climate and digitalization) are mainstreamed within the lot 2.