Here we outline a collaboration between HSLU M and T&A supporting the acquisition of funding, specifically an SNF/ERC Starting Grant, for Dr. Sabrina Köchli, currently working as a postdoctoral research fellow within an SNF project on music and Parkinson‘s running at HSLU M (2022-2026).
This IDN project fits with the HSLU focus on Health because changes in acoustic perception feedback can cause vocation related physical and psychological problems for musicians (e.g., neck strain, music performance anxiety) than can be detrimental to performance. An acoustic feedback can occur when an acoustic path exists between an audio input (e.g., a microphone) and an audio output (e.g., a loudspeaker).
Our aim is to advance feedback acoustics to complement other such 'performance laboratories' that are being developed as resources in world-leading higher music education institutes to investigate how to simulate performance situations to help musicians better prepare for concerts/rehearsals (e.g., Royal College of Music in London).
We will plan and cost the redesign of the current motion capture lab (Room 359, HSLU M) using innovative acoustic technologies to recreate various room acoustical situations. This preparatory work will help us develop appropriate experimental design to assess how different acoustic and spatial perceptions influence adaptive and maladaptive performance in musicians.