Cooperation with regions in the Alps
The research project 'BAUHALPS - Circular Building Circular in the Alps' aims to promote circular approaches to building in the Alpine region. It is based on the idea of the 'New European Bauhaus' (NEB), which brings together transformative impulses from culture, crafts, design and society in order to design future buildings and neighbourhoods in a careful, resource-saving and climate-neutral way. The BAUHALPS project was initiated as part of the Alpine Space programme. It involves 13 partners from Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and Switzerland. Pilot projects in the participating countries aim to test innovative concepts and methods and demonstrate forward-looking solutions in the field of circular construction. These projects will bring the idea of the NEB to life and serve as role models for sustainable construction.
Swiss pilot project: circular time lab
As a region in the European Alpine region, the canton of Lucerne wants to promote circular construction and is involved in the Swiss pilot project 'circular time lab'. The circular time lab creates a time-lapse laboratory for circular construction and involves young professionals in a public challenge. This challenge offers companies an experimental space for innovative applications, while giving young professionals the opportunity to present their skills to the public. This not only strengthens the innovative power of the construction industry, but also increases its attractiveness for young talent. SMEs, administration, vocational training and universities are working closely together to meet the challenge. The deliberate positioning of the circular time lab in a public place increases its visibility to the public and the media and makes circular construction a tangible experience for everyone.
Project partners in the BAUHALPS project
The project team is coordinated by the Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari Venezia (IT). Further project partners:
- Innovationslabor Digital Findet Stadt GmbH (AT)
- International Centre of Resources and Innovation for Sustainable Development Technology (FR)
- Technology Park Ljubljana Ltd. (SI)
- Museum of Architecture and Design MAO (SI)
- Padova Chamber of Commerce Industry Crafts and Agriculture (IT)
- Habitech - Distretto Tecnologico Trentino per l'Energia e l'Ambiente (IT),
- Technische Hochschule Rosenheim (DE)
- Holz Forum Allgäu e.V. (DE)
- Innovation Salzburg GmbH (AT)
- Cluster Build & Connect (FR)
- Bayern Innovativ GmbH (DE)
- Kompetenzzentrum Typologie & Planung in Architektur (CCTP) der Hochschule Luzern (CH).
The Swiss participation in the BAUHALPS project is co-financed within the framework of the Neue Regionalpolitik (NRP) of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) by the Regional Development Fund, the Agriculture and Forestry Department of the Canton of Lucerne and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, and supported by the Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE).