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Rebsamen Andreas HSLU T&A
Research Associate
Room D309 Technikumstrasse 21 6048 Horw
+41 41 349 37 87
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Visual-Servoing Testbed with AI-Hardware in the Loop
Rebsamen, Andreas & Wassner, Jürgen (01.10.2024). A scalable RISC-V Coprocessor for Liquid Time-Constant Neural Network. Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON),
Rebsamen, Andreas (2023). HW/SW-Codesign of a Tightly-Coupled Coprocessor for LTC Neural Network (nicht veröffentlichte Master-/Lizentiats-/Diplomarbeit). Hochschule Luzern, Schweiz.