Aysun has worked as a designer, design educator, and design researcher for over 10 years. Her research interests centre on design ethnography, particularly examining the interactions between humans and artefacts—especially in the realm of digital technologies. She explores how these interactions reflect our culture and shape our everyday lives. By employing research-through-design practices, speculative design and design fiction, she investigates our current and future relationships with technology, aiming to promote sustainability and foster a more equitable society.
She joined Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in 2020 as a design researcher. One of the major projects she worked on was the 4-year interdisciplinary SNSF project titled Voice Assistants - People, Experiences, Practices and Routines VA-PEPR. This project investigated the use and impact of voice assistants in everyday life within Swiss households through ethnography and design research. She actively participated in ethnographic data collection, qualitative data analysis (WP co-lead), the speculative design phase, and dissemination activities.
Aysun holds a bachelor's, master's and PhD degree in design.
Academic Employment
2020 - ... Research Associate - HSLU Design, Film and Art
2009 - 2017 Full-time Lecturer - Izmir Institute of Technology, Dep of Industrial Design
2006 - 2009 Part-time Lecturer - Izmir University of Economics, Dep of Industrial Design
Lecturing & Research Mobility
2017 - 2019 Guest Researcher - Forschungsschwerpunkt Kommunikationsdesign, HKB
2016 (3 mo) Visiting Researcher - Institut für Sozialanthropologie und Empirische Kulturwissenschaft, Universität Zürich
2011 (3 days) Visiting Lecturer (Erasmus Exchange Programme) - University of Ferrara, Italy
2008 - 2015 PhD in Industrial Design, Istanbul Technical University
Thesis Title: Appropriation of the Bathroom in Everyday Life: Towards a Cultural Analysis of the Contemporary Bathroom and its Elements.
2002 - 2005 Master of Industrial Design, Izmir Institute of Technology
1997 - 2002 Bachelor of Industrial Design, Middle East Technical University