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Daly Donnacha HSLU I
Head of the Bachelor's Program in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Room 8.31 Campus Zug-Rotkreuz Suurstoffi 1 6343 Rotkreuz
+41 41 228 24 78
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Professor of Artificial Intelligence at HSLU
Head of Studies in AI & Machine Learning at HSLU
Co-Founder of The Applied AI Center at HSLU
Co-Founder and Chairman at Gopf AG
Co-Founder and Board Member at LAC2 AI-Hub Luzern
Donnacha's LinkedIn Profile
Regulatory Consequences for Asset Managers
AI Supported MultiTouch for Range Images
BGE Digital Pathfinder
ITC - Mantelprojekt Big Data HSLU Cloud
Optimierung Offertwesen
B2B Recommender System
Smart-Meter-Daten besser nutzen dank maschinellem Lernen
Artificial Yodel
Tariff analysis for ELCOM
Profil des Fintech Markts Schweiz und Liechtenstein
Textbasierte Recommender Systeme
Software Skizzieren - Agile Modeling
Customer forecast with cross-industry data
Erkennung von Handekzemen mit Machine Learning
Sicherheit digitaler Coupons
NLP Model and Embedding Toolchain
Machine Learning Challenges of your Industry
Datenauswertung bei der EnAW
Notice to Airmen
Skin-App: Medical Severity Grading of Hand Eczema by Automated Image Analysis
Winkelvermessung für Spurhalter mittels Bildverarbeitung
Preference-Based Medtech
Wullschleger, Pascal; Lionetti, Simone; Daly, Donnacha; Volpe, Francesca & Caro, Grégoire (2022). Auto-Regressive Self-Attention Models for Diagnosis Prediction on Electronic Health Records. Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 1.
Arnold, Ruedi; Birbaumer, Mirko; Bravin, Marc; Bürli, Andrin; Daly, Donnacha; Kakooee, Reza; Koller, Thomas; Lionetti, Simone; Mazumder, Sita; Mérinat, Tobias; Pfäffli, Daniel; Pouly, Marc; Salzmann, Joel & Wullschleger, Pascal. Member of the Team that crafted the first Beer along an AI generated Recipe. ABIZ Team Achievement. Hochschule Luzern - Informatik.