1995: Industrial Engineer STV, Kaderschule St. Gallen
1990: Graduate Engineer ETH, ETH Zürich
Berufliche Tätigkeiten
2007 - 2011: Informing AG; Development of domain specific languages for integration solutions; Responsible for a C# framework to integrage third party systems into "IN:ERP"; Development of a CRM App for iPhone; Introduction of a agile development process
2002 - 2007: I-AG; Software product development manager and product responsibility for the ERP PerformX; Development of the application using a MDA-framework
1999 – 2000: miracle / Gain AG; Implementation of customer specific Extension during the introduction of the miracleXRP-system; Enhancement of base functionality of miracleXRP.
1998 - 2011: ardesign; Manager; Implementation of customer specific projects in the areas of business administration and medical technology using MSAccess, MSSSQL, VB, VBA, C++ and Delphi.
1996 - 1998: Stadler Elektronik AG Littau; Project leader; development of a filmless X-ray scanner; assistant of management; responsible for introduction of a quality management system following ISO 9001.
1991 - 1996: Interelectric AG Sachseln (heute maxon); Manager of the R&D laboratory; work out of design fundamentals for electrical motors; examinations on new products; baseline investigation in the area of psychoacoustics; team leader reengineering project
1989 - 1991: Maurer Instruments Ltd; Product development; project leader design of a new product line; design of FPGA
Teaching Activities:
since 2008: HSLU T&A; Business Administration
1997 - 2008: HTA; Business Administration
1990 - 1993: ATIS; Measurement Technique