Register now and find out more about the degree programs at the Lucerne School of Computer Science and Information Technology
Apply for the BSc program in Information and Cyber Security to acquire the necessary specialist knowledge to protect companies and public institutions from cyber attacks and equip them with a secure IT infrastructure.
Mega trends such as digitalization, Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT) cause an ever-growing demand for experts in the field of information security. The new Information and Cyber Security program closes this gap and provides the specialist skills and knowledge necessary to build and operate secure IT infrastructures. In the program, students learn to work with sensitive data as well as product and process secrets and acquire the skills to support the IT security efforts of companies and public institutions.
Forecasts for 2021: the fourth contribution in our future series talks about information and cyber security privacy.
Security loopholes abound on the internet. Cyber security expert Armand Portmann explains why this matters and what you can do to protect yourself.
Threatening to make alleged porn watching habits public or to infect people with Covid-19 are just two of many schemes that online blackmailers devise to extort money from internet users.
In terms of data protection, the SwissCovid app is compliant. However, its launch might still face one legal obstacle.
Assemble about a third of your curriculum from a catalogue of freely selectable modules.
In the final two semesters, you will be have the opportunity to specialize in a specific field in the framework of your chosen Major.
The three time models - full time, part time and work-study track - allow for flexible curriculum planning catering to the needs of those who have a job or a family, or are active in competitive sport.
Specialists in the field of Cyber Security have never been in higher demand. Industry experts talk about the current situation and what to expect for the future.
During your studies you have the opportunity to participate in international project weeks or semesters abroad at partner universities abroad.
You will have different Labs with its state-of-the-art infrastructure at your disposal.
Information events The Information events at the Lucerne School of Computer Science and Information Technology provide an overview of the available bachelor's programs and a glance into the day-to-day life as a student. Depending on the format, you have the opportunity to learn more about one, two or even three study programs and to talk to current and former students.
Taster lessons for the Bachelor in Information & Cyber Security The taster lessons for prospective students provide a glance into the various modules and the curriculum as a whole. To the taster lessons.
Application deadline for spring semester 2025 Wednesday, 15 January 2025 | Recommendation: as early as possible
Application deadline for autumn semester 2025 Friday, 15 August 2025 | Recommendation: as early as possible
Autumn semester: 15 August / Spring semester: 15 January
17 February 2025 / 15 September 2025
CHF 200 registration fee CHF 800 per semester
Blogartikel: «Cyberattacken sind oft komplex»
Videobeitrag: Praxisnaher Unterricht im Studium
Blogartikel: Eröffnungsveranstaltung Bachelor Information & Cyber Security
Blogartikel: Ein starkes Duo: Cyber Security und Privacy
Blogartikel: Cyber-Security-Studiengang auf dem Vormarsch
Artikel Computerworld: Security-Asse gesucht (Only in German)
(1.0 MB) .PDF
Zeitschrift digma 2018, Heft 2, Hochschullandschaft Schweiz (Only in German)
(1.7 MB) .PDF
Zeitschrift digma 2018, Heft 2, Hochschullandschaft Deutschland (Only in German)