«Increasing digitization and networking are changing our economy and society. Due to the speed and complexity of digital change, new security requirements are emerging simultaneously. Digitization cannot be successful without cyber security. We will only succeed in achieving a secure and successful digital transformation if enough trained specialists in the field of information security are available in Switzerland. With the introduction of the Information and Cyber Security degree program, the Lucerne School of Computer Science and Information Technology is making a very important contribution towards addressing the current scarcity of ICT security experts and meeting the demands of secure networks.» Florian Widmer, Partner, Cyber Risk Services, Deloitte
«Given the steeply increasing demand for security experts, wide availability of well‐trained specialists must be ensured in the coming years. The marked increase in security leaks (Equifax, Yahoo, etc.) and security incidents (WannaCry, NotPetya) made public shows in concrete terms just how troubling the situation is. With the increasing availability of computers, networking and smart devices in every area of life, data security must be guaranteed by appropriately trained specialist personnel.» Umberto Annino, Präsident der Information Security Society Switzerland
«The number of cyber-based threats and attacks is increasing at an enormous rate, as are the successful attacks and data breaches made public. For the business community, there is a wide range of possibilities for investment in cyber security to minimize potential vulnerabilities and to successfully detect and respond to attacks as early as possible.» Marco Wyrsch, Security Officer, Swisscom Enterprise Customers, Graduate Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts 2012