Li, Zongchen; Gut, Andre; Burda, Iurii; Gwerder, Damian; Michael, Silvain; Schütz, Philipp; Affolter, Christian & Romancuk, Dejan (15.4.2024). Investigation of individual lack-of-fusion defects in the fatigue performance of laser-powder bed fusion Ti6Al4V alloys: A finite element analysis. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2024(134), 104735.
Romancuk, Dejan (29.06.2023). Review of Aeronautical Fatigue Investigations in Switzerland: Activities Hochschule Luzern (HSLU). Proceedings of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue ICAF 2023,
Li, Zongchen; Gut, Andre; Burda, Iurii; Michel, Silvain; Romancuk, Dejan & Affolter, Christian (19.10.2022). THE ROLE OF AN INDIVIDUAL LACK-OF-FUSION DEFECT IN THE FATIGUE PERFORMANCE OF ADDITIVE MANUFACTURED TI-6AL-4V PART. Proceedings of the ASME 2022,