Lüchinger, Richard; Obermeyer, Melissa & Wagner, Claas (25.01.2020). A methodology for the assessment of multiple benefits of industrial energy efficiency measures. SN Applied Sciences, n/a.
Di Nardo, Silvio; Raschke, Markus; Schwarz, Jürg & Wagner, Claas (2019). Project-induced individualized acquisition of competences in a Bachelor’s degree course. Proceedings of the 47th SEFI Annual Conference 2019, 2019, 328-337.
Di Nardo, Silvio; Wagner, Claas & Arn, Christof (2018). Individualisiertes Lernen an der Hochschule: Konzeption und Durchführung eines Pilotmoduls. die hochschullehre. Interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift für Studium und Lehre, 4, 419-442.
Di Nardo, Silvio; Wagner, Claas & Arn, Christof (2018). Individualized, self-directed learning in a Bachelor’s degree course. Proceedings of the 46th SEFI Annual Conference 2018, 2018, 732-739.
Wagner, Claas (2015). Sample Quality Criteria. Journal of AOAC International, 2015(98), 265-268.
Wagner, Claas (2015). Critical practicalities in sampling for mycotoxins in feed. Journal of AOAC International, 2015(98), 301-308.
Wagner, Claas (2015). Theory of Sampling (TOS): Four critical success factors before analysis. Journal of AOAC International, 2015(98), 275-281.
Wagner, Claas (2015). Sampling Column (quarterly). Spectroscopy Europe, 2015-2017, -.
Wagner, Claas (2014). Why we need the Theory of Sampling. The Analytical Scientist, 2014(21), 30-38.
Wagner, Claas (2014). Acoustic chemometric at-line characterization for monitoring particle size fractions in pneumatically conveyed biomass. Particulate Science and Technology, 2014(32), 70-79.
Wagner, Claas & Ihunegbo, Felicia (2013). Acoustic chemometrics for material composition quantification in pneumatic conveying — The critical role of representative reference sampling. Powder Technology, 2013, 506-513.
Wagner, Claas (2011). A Systematic Approach to Assessing measurement Uncertainty for CO2 Emissions from Coal-fired Power plants. Chemical Engineering Research and Design : Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers: Part A, 2011(89), 1572-1586.
Wagner, Claas (2011). A critical review of sampling standards for solid biofuels: Missing contributions from the Theory of Sampling. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2011(16), 504-517.