The concept of structure permeates every aspect of architecture and is present throughout the entire design process. The structure of the urban environment, space, materials and load-bearing elements all shape the design. Structure represents order and the rationale of architecture, while structured thinking and design form the basis for projects capable of offering coherent answers to complex questions.
Integral to the core thematic «Building as a System» developed by the Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture, and by way of complementing the cooperative master’s course at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, the course focuses on the building as a holistic entity in its urban context. Spatial structure, bearing structure, service supply structure and infrastructure all contribute to the integrated concept of the building structure. They are co-dependent and mutually influential and become – depending on their importance – characteristic elements of the architecture.
Under the title «structure_transfer», relevant issues concerning civil society are being addressed and the students’ sense of awareness and responsibility for our built environment sharpens. By forging exchanges with university level institutions abroad, ideas and projects for the corresponding sites are developed, dialog with lecturers and students at the partner institutions is fostered and one familiarizes with their culture. These programs last one year, with semester projects taking place alternately – one abroad and one in Switzerland.
To the Architecture and Structure focus on the website of the cooperative master’s course.