Who can spend a semester abroad?
As a rule, all enrolled students of the HSLU - Engineering and Architecture can spend one (or more) semester abroad. Good academic performance and, depending on the destination, sufficient knowledge of English or the language of instruction or the language of the country are important. It is up to the head of the degree program to decide on the students' professional qualifications.
Where can I spend a semester abroad?
The HSLU - Engineering and Architecture has a large number of renowned partner universities (link to world map) worldwide, which vary depending on the degree program. It is also possible to spend a semester abroad at any institution without a partnership (freemover). In this case, the organization and coordination is the responsibility of the students themselves.
When is the best time to spend a semester abroad?
The best time to go abroad depends on the degree program and your personal study plan (full-time, part-time, part-time). For full-time students, the fourth or fifth semester of many degree courses is ideal for a semester abroad. You can usually find information on the academic calendar and application deadlines on the partner schools' websites.
What do I have to do to take advantage of this opportunity?
Contact the International Office and/or the person responsible for international affairs in your degree program well in advance. You should start planning your semester abroad at least one year before you start your studies abroad. However, it is advisable to contact the responsible persons as soon as possible (as early as the first year of study) and to begin preparations (e.g. language certificate). It is also recommended to attend information events organized by the degree programme or department on the subject.
Is it possible to obtain scholarships?
If an exchange is carried out at a partner school in Europe, grants can be obtained via the SEMP program. Further information on scholarship opportunities can be found on the Internet, e.g. on the swissuniversities website.
How do I apply for a semester abroad?
As soon as the application period begins (usually in the fall), the application for a semester abroad can be submitted via an online tool. After review and approval by the respective degree program, you will be nominated by the International Office at the desired partner school, where you can then officially apply.