In building-integrated photovoltaic applications, aesthetic aspects play a key role when integrating photovoltaic modules in the facades of buildings. This, in turn, can positively influence the approval process for building projects. In this context, there is a growing market for colored photovoltaic modules, which typically come with a colored instead of a transparent cover glass. In the production of these colored cover glasses, different covering forces are used depending on the color to ensure a homogeneous relative efficiency that prevents the formation of hotspots.
From basic to blended colors
The measurements of initially six basic colors have been extended to a selected set of representative halftone colors. Thirty halftone colors were chosen based on the fidelity with which they can be reproduced, but the colors’ presumed acceptance by the building sector also played a role. Assessing the values for each blended color applied at varying degrees of opacity, the Competence Center has created impact curves that visualize each color’s efficiency. The Center conducted its evaluations in partnership with the Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology (CSEM) in Neuchâtel. Not least thanks to this collaboration, the Competence Center is ideally suited to advise clients in all matters design and efficiency.