Professional visual ambassadors are required to take up a clear artistic position in the vast field of contemporary design, to critically reflect on their activities, and to assume responsibility for how these visibly affect and help shape society and public life. For complex tasks of communication of relevance to society, they must find aesthetically and conceptually persuasive and innovative solutions that appeal to the target audience.
They know how to apply the right media and methods to the task in hand. All-round skills in the areas image, text, interaction, language and processes are therefore essential, as is the capacity to take a multidisciplinary and cross-media approach to thinking and doing, from the rough idea to the full-fledged concept, from the initial design to product realisation in both the analogue and virtual spheres.
Our education and training programme is rooted in solid “hands-on” practical skills and technical know-how, on artistic experimentation, on a sound knowledge of rules, on an understanding both of classic and new media and procedures, and on analysis of role models, trends and conventions as a
means to hone each student’s development of an independent signature style.
Throughout the three-year degree programme, students familiarise themselves with the multifaceted field of visual communication and acquire a clear understanding of the tools and potential scope of graphic design. They learn how to make inimitable and expressive use of tools such as posters, books, websites, apps, infographics, fonts or corporate design to help shape today’s knowledge and information economy and communicate with diverse target groups. En route to their future careers as independent and responsibly minded visual ambassadors, they have the full support both of our field-tested crew and renowned Swiss and international guest lecturers.