Continuing and executive education programmes
This five day course is suitable for participants in all professional fields who have already completed a foundation course in economics and are confronted with intercultural topics in their professional environments.
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Institute of Business and Regional Economics IBR
CC Business Development, Leadership and HR (IBR UFP)
Location: Villa Rheinburg, Constance, Germany.
Special features of the Constance week: During the Constance Week, instruction is predominantly held in German, but is also in English in some cases. There are no company visits because, from our point of view, it does not make much sense to visit companies in the German-speaking neighboring country just across the border, as the (cultural) difference to Switzerland tends to be quite marginal. Nevertheless, the Constance week includes essential expertise: Lake Constance Graduate School (LCGS) is specialized in conducting an "Asia Executive MBA". It is exactly this expertise that we make use of! You will thus gain insights into Asia from experienced experts and lecturers at LCGS, without having to fly to Asia yourself.
Approximate Costs and Accommodation: CHF 90 – 120 per night
This international week offers the possibility of earning 3 ECTS credits.