The date “14 April” contains the rounded first three digits of the Planck constant, a fundamental constant in quantum physics. Therefore, the "World Quantum Day" is celebrated on this date, a day on which researchers would like to give an understanding of quantum science and technology to the general public.
On World Quantum Day at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts there will be two presentations in English:
08:20 to 09:00
- Quantum Computers cannot hack everything - Let's talk about security and quantum cryptography
Here we answer the most frequently asked questions about quantum computers, IT security and quantum cryptography.
09:00 to 09:40
- Quantum Computers in Finance - An overview and an application in Portfolio Management
Here we provide an overview of the current applications of quantum computers in finance. In addition, we will disclose insights into a current project in the field of portfolio optimisation in investment management.
Afterwards, you are cordially invited to a networking breakfast.
Target group
Interested members of the public, managers and experts from financial service providers or information security providers, university staff and students.
The event is free of charge.
This hybrid event will take place at the Institute of Financial Services Zug IFZ and online via Zoom. You will receive the access information by e-mail shortly before the event.
The Institute of Financial Services Zug IFZ is located directly at the railway station in Rotkreuz.
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts - Economics
Institute of Financial Services Zug IFZ
Campus Zug-Rotkreuz, Suurstoffi 1
6343 Rotkreuz
Telephone number: +41 41 757 67 67
E-mail address:
The IFZ is easily accessible by public transport. Trains run between Zurich and Lucerne. You can reach the Institute from Rotkreuz station in less than five minutes on foot. You can find the train connections here.