Ueli Grüter, LL.M. Int. Business Law, attorney at law, studied law at Universities of Fribourg (CH), Zürich (CH) and Boston (USA), is lecturer and researcher in International Business, Communication and Digital Law at University of Applied Sciences and Arts Luzern, is Co-Founder of AdvoLab, a laboratory for artificial intelligence (AI) and law, is Counsel at Keller Schneider Patent- und Markenanwälte AG, Patent- und Trademark Attorneys, Zurich/Bern/Munich, was Partner at Schneider Feldmann Ltd. Attorneys at Law, Zurich, and Of Counsel at Die Advokatur Sury AG, is editor of the e-learning-platform, the legal blog, the books «Werbe- und Kommunikationsrecht», WEKA Verlag and «», vdf Verlag at ETH Zürich, is legal expert of several media (a.o. Swiss Radio and Television SRF, Tages-Anzeiger, NZZ, CH Media, Blick, Werbewoche). Ueli Grüter is an expert in International Business Law, Communication Law, Digital Law, Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Licensing, Legal Tech, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Law, Educational Tech.