Fausch, Jürg & Frigg, Moreno (27.09.2024). Machine Learning Mutual Fund Flows - DGF Presentation. 30th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association, Aachen, Germany.
Fausch, Jürg (28.09.2023). Risk aversion and real economic activity: A macro-finance perspective. 29th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF), Hohenheim.
Fausch, Jürg & Frigg, Moreno (14.03.2023). Fund Selection with Machine Learning. Quoniam Research Seminar, Frankfurt (Online).
Fausch, Jürg (24.09.2021). Swiss Asset Management Study 2021: Strong growth in a year of crisis. Asset Management Day 2021, Hotel Bellevue Palace, Bern.
Fausch, Jürg (25.09.2020). Swiss Asset Management Study 2020: An Overview of Swiss Asset Management. Asset Management Day 2020, Hotel Bellevue Palace, Bern.
Fausch, Jürg (19.08.2019). Swiss Asset Management Study 2019: An Overview of Swiss Asset Management. Präsentation Asset Management Studie 2019, Metropol, Zürich.
Fausch, Jürg (27.06.2019). Rendite und Risiko auf Aktienmärkten: Ein (kurzer) Überblick zur empirischen Finanzmarktforschung. Konferenz Schweizer Vermögensverwalter 2019, IFZ, Zug.