The project “Wood for Globe – Towards a Global Wood Policy Platform: Sustainable Wood for a Carbon-neutral Bioeconomy” aims to identify and provide scientific expertise for policy dialogues and technical knowledge exchange, especially during specific international events (e.g. SW4SW in 02/24, IUFRO World Congress in Sweden on 23.-29.06.2024, Committee on Forestry COFO 27 in Rome on 22.-26.07.2024) to pilot the approach for a global wood policy. The international expert group focusses on following two topics: How can the use of a) wood in construction and b)wood fibre (for packaging, textiles etc.) contribute to the development of a carbon-neutral bioeconomy? The outcomes will be a scientific paper, a presentation on an international conference and a contribution to the synthesis report "State of World´s Forests report", IUFRO publications.