Hier finden Studierende und Mitarbeitende die aktuellen Reglemente, die das Departement Wirtschaft betreffen.
2.1 Bachelor 2.1.1 Academic Regulations for the Bachelor Course in International Business Administration at the Lucerne School of Business In Kraft: 01.09.20 Stand: 01.09.20
2.1.2 Studienreglement für die Bachelor-Ausbildung in Business Psychology In Kraft: 01.03.21 Stand: 29.03.21
2.1.3 Studienreglement für die Bachelor-Ausbildung in Mobility, Data Science and Economics In Kraft: 01.09.20 Stand: 01.09.20
2.1.4 Academic Regulations governing Bachelor’s Programmes at the Lucerne School of Business (valid from start of studies 2023) In Kraft: 01.09.24 Stand: 01.09.24
2.1.5 Academic Regulations governing the International Bachelor’s Degree Programme Bachelor of Science in International Sustainable Tourism In Kraft: 01.09.24 Stand: 01.09.24
2.1.6 Reglement für die Aufnahmeprüfung zu den Bachelorstudiengängen In Kraft: 01.05.21 Stand: 01.05.21
2.2 Master 2.2.1 Academic Regulations 2022 for the Master’s Programmes at the Lucerne School of Business In Kraft: 01.09.22 Stand: 01.09.22
2.2.2 Academic Regulations for the Master’s Programmes at the Lucerne School of Business (valid from start of studies 2023) In Kraft: 01.09.24 Stand: 01.09.24
2.2.3 Academic Regulations governing the Master's Degree Programme in Applied Information and Data Science at the Lucerne School of Business In Kraft: 01.09.24 Stand: 01.09.24
3.1 Academic Regulations governing continuing and executive education at the Lucerne School of Business In Kraft: 01.09.21 Stand: 01.09.21
Zur Systematischen Rechtssammlung der Hochschule Luzern