Hier finden Studierende und Mitarbeitende die aktuellen Reglemente, die das Departement Technik & Architektur betreffen.
1.1 General terms and conditions of business of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts Stand: März 2023
2.1 Bachelor 2.1.1 Academic Regulations governing the Bachelors’ Degree Programs at the Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture In Kraft: 01.09.24 Stand: 01.09.24
2.2 Master 2.2.1 Academic regulations governing the master’s degree program in Architecture at the School of Engineering and Architecture at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences an Arts and the School of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geomatics at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) In Kraft: 01.09.23 Stand: 01.09.23
2.2.2 Academic regulations governing the Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) degree program at the Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture and the Lucerne School of Computer Science and Information Technology In Kraft: 01.09.23 Stand: 01.09.23
2.2.3 Studienreglement für den Master-Studiengang Kollaborative Raumentwicklung In Kraft: 01.09.24 Stand: 01.09.24
3.1 Studienreglement für die Weiterbildung an der Hochschule Luzern – Technik & Architektur In Kraft: 01.09.24 Stand: 01.09.24