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Lucerne School of Music
Lucerne School of Music
Studying Music at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Studying Music at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Registration and admission
Registration and admission
Important information before starting your studies
Here we answer frequently asked questions before you start your studies.
Admission exam dates
When will the entrance exam dates be published on the website?
The dates for the entrance exams for each profile and instrument will be available on the
by December at the latest.
Application, admission and entrance examination
Is there an age limit for admission to the entrance examination?
When can I register for the entrance examination?
The online form is expected to be available from mid-December and can be found on the respective programme websites.
When will I find out if I am invited to the entrance examination?
Within three weeks of your application, we will review your file and inform you whether you have been admitted to the entrance examination.
When will I receive further information about the entrance exam?
You will receive an invitation to the entrance exam and further information about the exam no later than two weeks before the exam date.
Can I contact my preferred teacher before the entrance examinations?
The main subject teachers may be contacted at any time.
Where do the entrance examinations take place?
Please note that all our entrance examinations take place on site.
Is it possible to participate online if I am unable to attend in person (e.g., due to other commitments like exams, travel restrictions, etc.)?
The entrance examinations will take place in person on site. Questions can be directed to the responsible
institute office
Can I make use of piano accompaniment for the examination?
It is possible to apply for piano accompaniment provided by Lucerne School of Music for the entrance examinations in classical music. The application and the relevant piano sheet music must be submitted to the HSLU via SwitchDrive at least 14 days before the exam. You will receive the link to upload these materials along with your exam invitation from the Classical Music
institute office
I am not quite sure whether I have understood the repertoire requirements correctly or whether a piece of my choice fulfils the requirements. Who can I contact?
If you have any questions about the repertoire or the content of the entrance examinations, you can contact the relevant
institute office
Do I have to take a theory exam?
All Bachelor candidates must take a theory exam. The
examination date
are published on our website. Master's candidates do not have to take a theory exam (if necessary, a
theory assessment
is required, see next point).
Do I have to take a theory assessment?
Under certain conditions, Master's candidates must complete a ‘theory assessment’, the result of which determines the allocation of theory courses in the Master's degree programmes. You will be informed whether you are required to complete the assessment when you are admitted to the entrance examination. The result of the theory assessment does not influence the admission decision. The content of the assessment is published on our
How do I withdraw from the entrance examination?
Any withdrawal of registration must be made in writing to the education administration
. The registration fee paid will not be refunded. The registration fee paid will not be refunded.
Entry and visa
What documents do I need for entry into Switzerland?
Candidates from EU or EFTA countries can enter Switzerland without a visa. Persons from all other countries must apply in person for a national visa «D» at the Swiss embassy or consulate general in their place of residence. Further information about entry and visa can be found on our
Tuition and Semester Fees
When will I receive the invoice for the semester fees?
The semester fees will be invoiced after the start of the semester. The invoice for the autumn semester will be sent to you in the first week of the semester in September, and the invoice for the spring semester will be sent a week before the semester begins in February via email. The invoice will also be available at any time via your MyCampus web portal.
What costs are associated with my studies?
You can find more information on tuition fees on our
Where can I apply for financial support?
Financing a course of study can be supported with a scholarship. These are awarded by foundations, funds and institutions, each of which requires different qualities. All information on scholarships and finances can be found on our
. Please address applications and questions directly to the institutions that award scholarships. The Lucerne School of Music does not issue any financial guarantees.
Start of Studies / Dates academic year
When can I start my studies?
The programme begins with the official start of the semester in mid-September. The exact dates can be found on our
. As attendance is compulsory, it is not possible to start studying after the beginning of the semester. Extended summer holidays, military service, civilian service or entry difficulties are generally not accepted as reasons for a delayed start of studies.
Please also note the dates of the opening days, which takes place before the start of studies. Tthe dates will be announced to those concerned in good time. We recommend keeping the week before the official start of the semester free for the opening activities.
A start of studies in the spring semester is not possible for external applicants.
Where can I find the key dates, such as holidays, public holidays, project weeks, etc.?
All dates for the coming academic years can be found on our
Crediting of ECTS points
Can I have credits from my previous degree programme recognised?
Basically, achievements from a previous degree programme can be credited if there is congruence in terms of content. Which and how many ECTS credits can be credited may be decided after the acceptance of the study place in discussion with the study coordination.
Living in Switzerland
I am looking for a flat. What steps should I take?
In Lucerne, affordable rooms and flats are in high demand. So make sure you find accommodation in good time. The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts offers housing in Lucerne and the surrounding area for students. On our
you will find more information about the offer as well as the contact details of the person to contact.