Co-Studiengangleiter Digital Ideation
Co-Studiengangleiterin Digital Ideation
Dozentin | User Experience
Dozent | Independent Games
Dozentin | Web Development
Dozentin | Game >
Dozent | Digital Media Art & Design
Dozent | Grafik
Dozent | User Experience
Dozent | Informatik
Dozentin | Webdesign, Creative Code
Künstlerische Mitarbeiterin
Dozent und Ansprechperson Master Digital Ideation
Künstlerische Assistentin
Bissig Andi | Composition, Audio
Dubacher Urs | Computer Graphics
Fraefel Stefan | Grafik
Frei Christoph | Project Management
Hil Darjan | Informationsdesign
Hofer Susanne | Storytelling
Lachenmeier Nicole | Informationsdesign
Pawlofsky Tom | Digital Fabrication
Shapiro Alan | Zukunftsforschung
Studer Monica | Digital Art
van den Berg Christoph | Digital Art
Niles Nick | Web Development
Oeschger Sibylle | User Experience
Schaffner Lea | Culture Lab
The Bachelor in Digital Ideation degree programme fosters partnerships with a diverse range of businesses, which is of great benefit both in the classroom (e.g. guest speakers) and as a source of work placement (internship) opportunities.
Creaholic supports our students with regard to Project Management.
The company Yaay finances our module Information Aesthetics Studio .
The agency Zeix supports our students with a sponsorship award.