What kinds of project are typically developed in the Digital Ideation program? A few snapshots of the numerous modules show some of the impressive results of the collaboration between design and information technology.
The “Games” modules start with the basic vocabulary of games mechanics. The students find support in the development of their very own developer personality. Prototypes as well as complete games are being developed in each module. These are some of the results from the first-semester course “Game Design and Engineering”.
In the field of “Web and Mobile”, students learn to deal with the web. Through their designs and implementations, they create state-of-the-art mobile websites and build bridges between web development and front-end design.
In the “Computer Graphics Extended” and “Mentoring 3D Animation” modules, students practice the basic skills and techniques of three-dimensional computer graphics – they design objects and worlds for games and virtual spaces.
All images are unique - just like the people who made them. Observers of this interactive installation are invited to create a playful visualization of their personality profiles through abstract shapes.
Visual Design is also introduced early on in the curriculum of the Information Technology specialization. IT students develop design fundamentals in a creative process: typography, image design, layout and composition using shapes and colors. They study their own human perception and learn to discuss design solutions and what they perceive with designers. Drawing is part of the curriculum, too.
Taask is a daily planner app geared towards students of Digital Ideation. Features such as the timetable subscription and Slack integration make it an ideal tool for everyday student life. Both students were involved in all stages of the process. David Gabathuler took the lead in all matters design while Valentin Berger oversaw the technical aspects.
User Experience (UX) encompasses the experiences of a user while interacting with a digital medium. In the UK modules of the Digital Ideation program, students develop human-computer interfaces and structure information. In addition to looking great, the results - shown here are some initial short first-year projects - need to be comprehensible and pleasant to experience. With this in mind, students apply standard procedures in order to familiarize themselves with the needs of the expected users. They then carefully test their ideas and designs with a relevant test group and continually improve them on the basis of the testing.
Reality is an “experience” where worlds of imagery with dreamlike atmospheres can be passed through and experienced interactively.
Please find an overview of all Bachelor projects from recent years.