Student Representative Body
The Student Representative Body promotes the concerns and desires of the student body and represents its interests to the heads of studies and departments or the senior management of the School.
One of its core tasks consists of inducting new students joining the School. As the first point of contact for students, the Student Representative Body is in a position to help shape and improve study conditions.
It has one seat on SOHSLU, the umbrella organisation that represents each of the Schools' Student Representative Bodies in the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
General contact:
The contact persons are:
Kay Lanis (President)
Bachelor Classical Music profile, major piano
Ella Bauer
Bachelor Classical Music profile, vocal
Michelle Probst
Bachelor Jazz, vocal
Sophie Knöchelmann
Master Performance Classical, violin
Samir Rachide
Master of Arts in Music Pedagogy, School Music II, trumpet
The Student Representative Body is always ready with help and advice on matters of concern to new as well as long-standing students, including studies and suggestions for improvements. The contact persons can be approached at any time.